
John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent is unavailable, but you can change that!

John Climacus (c. 579–649) was abbot of the monastery of Catherine on Mount Sinai. His The Ladder of Divine Ascent was the most widely used handbook of the ascetical life in the ancient Greek church.

within you, linger over it; for at that moment our guardian angel is praying with us. However pure you may be, do not be forward in your dealings with God. Approach Him rather in all humility, and you will be given still more boldness. And even if you have climbed the whole ladder of the virtues, pray still for the forgiveness of sins. Heed Paul’s cry regarding sinners “of whom I am the first” (1 Tim. 1:15). Oil and salt are the condiments of food; chastity and tears give flight to prayer. If you
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